Melihat Sejarah Pembentukan Asosiasi Emiten Indonesia: Perjalanan Pasar Modal di Akhir Dekade 80-an

Jakarta - At the end of the 80s, the Indonesian Capital Market began to show significant growth. In the midst of this rapid development, Bapepam, which acts as the authority and implementer of the stock exchange, has become the main driving force for capital market life. However, for the capital market to grow well, the role of Public Companies (Issuers) is also very vital. Issuers need to create a conducive and professional market climate to motivate other private companies to enter the capital market.

In line with this thought, the idea arose to establish an organizational forum for companies going public. This idea was pushed by Marzuki Usman, Chairman of Bapepam at that time. Marzuki realizes that capital markets are a new field in Indonesia and the various problems that arise need to be faced together.

On Tuesday, December 13 1988, Marzuki Usman gathered six companies representing all listed issuers at that time, totaling 24 companies. They are Ahmad Slamet from PT Semen Cibinong Tbk, Harsono E. Soleh from PT Delta Jakarta Tbk, Mrs. J. Muaya Siambaton from PT BBD-IBJ Leasing, and J.W. Sudomo.

The meeting which took place at the Bapepam building, Jalan Medan Merdeka Selatan, Jakarta, resulted in an agreement to form the Indonesian Issuers Association (AEI). AEI's first management consisted of S. Supoyo as General Chair (BPD East Java), Kusyadi Kuyono as General Secretary (PT Shoes Bata Tbk), and R. Andi Suprianto as General Treasurer (PT Squibb Indonesia Tbk).

As time goes by, the number of AEI members continues to increase along with the increasing number of companies going public on the Indonesia Stock Exchange and Surabaya Stock Exchange. AEI members' awareness has increased sharply, as can be seen from their active participation in various activities organized by the AEI management and their willingness to carry out their obligations as members. Attention from institutions outside the capital market, such as universities and various associations, is also increasing, showing the importance of collaboration to advance the capital market in Indonesia.

The formation of AEI is an important step in the history of the Indonesian capital market. With AEI, issuers have a platform to synergize, share experiences and face challenges together. It is hoped that this spirit of collaboration will continue to grow and lead the Indonesian capital market towards a brighter and more stable future.

By: AEI 1
05 July 2024

40 Minutes Reading

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