BRI Maintains Commitment to Share Dividends with Solid Optimism

Jakarta - In the midst of a global economic atmosphere full of challenges, PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero) Tbk. (BBRI) continues to display admirable strength and optimism. This bank, which has become a financial pillar for the micro, small and medium segments, has reiterated its commitment to continue sharing profits with shareholders through optimal dividends. A step that shows how strong BRI's financial foundation is today.

At the Public Expose Live 2024 event in Jakarta, the Main Director of BRI, Sunarso, delivered a message full of confidence. "As CEO, I believe that for the next 5 years, whatever BRI's profits are, it is worth sharing them in the form of dividends," he said confidently. This statement does not come without reason. Sunarso emphasized that BRI's capital is currently very strong, so there is no need to retain profits to strengthen capital.

Sunarso's self-confidence is not without basis. BRI has just received a capital injection of IDR 41 trillion from the rights issue to form Holding Ultra Micro (UMi) with PT Permodalan Nasional Madani (PNM) and PT Pegadaian. With a capital adequacy ratio reaching 25.13% at the end of Quarter II 2024, BRI is in a position that is more than sufficient to meet its capital needs.

Not only that, Sunarso also revealed that BRI's financial performance until the second quarter of 2024 recorded impressive results. The net profit achieved reached IDR 29.90 trillion, driven by credit distribution which grew 11.20% year on year (yoy) to reach IDR 1,336.78 trillion. The majority of this credit distribution, around 81.96%, was channeled to the MSME segment—a strong indication that BRI remains steadfast in its mission to empower the people's economy.

This growth was also accompanied by increasingly better credit quality. The Loan at Risk Ratio (LAR) was recorded to have decreased from 14.94% at the end of Quarter II 2023 to 12.00% in the same period this year, indicating increasingly solid credit risk management. In addition, BRI's non-performing credit (NPL) ratio was maintained at 3.05%, with a very adequate NPL coverage ratio of 211.60%.

On the funding side, BRI's Third Party Funds (DPK) also grew significantly, reaching IDR 1,389.66 trillion, with the CASA (Current Account Savings Account) portion dominating the DPK structure at 63.17%. This reflects the increasing public trust in BRI as a stable and trustworthy financial institution.

This optimism, according to Sunarso, is a reflection of BRI's strong financial fundamentals and ability to serve the wider community, coupled with the potential for new growth from ultra-micro holdings. "With good financial fundamentals, as well as BRI's ability to serve an increasingly wider community, coupled with new sources of growth from ultra-micro holdings, BRI is optimistic that it can continue to achieve positive and sustainable performance," he concluded.

With all these achievements, BRI not only maintains its commitment to continue sharing profits with shareholders, but also shows its determination to continue to grow and have a positive impact on the Indonesian economy. BRI, with all its strength and optimism, seems ready to go even further, creating an even bigger success story in the future.

By: AEI 1
03 September 2024

4 Minutes Reading

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